Quick Start | Waku Connect Docs
Quick Start

Quick Start #

In this section you will learn how to receive and send messages using Waku Relay.

A more in depth guide for Waku Relay can be found here.

Install #

Install the js-waku package:

npm install js-waku
# or with yarn
yarn add js-waku

Start a waku node #

import { Waku } from "js-waku";

const waku = await Waku.create({ bootstrap: { default: true } });

Listen for messages #

The contentTopic is a metadata string that allows categorization of messages on the waku network. Depending on your use case, you can either create one (or several) new contentTopic(s) or look at the and use an existing contentTopic. See How to Choose a Content Topic for more details.

For example, if you were to use a new contentTopic such as /my-cool-app/1/my-use-case/proto, here is how to listen to new messages received via :

  (msg) => {
    console.log("Message received:", msg.payloadAsUtf8);

Send messages #

Messages are wrapped in a WakuMessage envelop.

import { WakuMessage } from "js-waku";

const msg = await WakuMessage.fromUtf8String(
  "Here is a message!",
await waku.relay.send(msg);

Building an app #

Check out the ReactJS Waku Relay guide to learn how you can use the code above in a React app.

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